Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Day Out with Thomas

What a great day! We started this morning at the Train Museum because today is a Day out with Thomas. We got to ride Thomas the Tank Engine and boy did Jacob love it. He is the sweetest child alive. The sheer joy on his face when he goes and does this kind of stuff just makes life worthwhile. He had such a good time. After we rode thomas we headed downtown for lunch. We ate yummy lunch at Big River Grill then decided to walk to Coolidge Park to play in the water. I tell you one thing, that's a hard walk with 4 children under 8. My sister was here with her 3 (8, 3, and 1) and then of course JB. But we had a good time. The boys had fun playing in the water then you would have thought we kept Jacob in a cage or something because he took off running across the field like he's never been outside. It was so funny. All in all it was a great day and couldn't have asked for better weather. It seems as if summer has arrived early.

We wait in line for 20 mintues and this was the best picture we got :)

Me and my sunshine.


Jacob and his Mimi.

Friday, April 17, 2009

A Beautiful Day!

So today I declare it the actual first day of Spring (not sure when it really is). It was absolutely gorgeous today and I'm so glad Jacob and I decided to go out and enjoy the day. Jacob, Mom and I went down to the riverwalk and we got to use our new bike trailer for the first time. Jacob loved it. He thought it was his own personal choo-choo train. And what an easy bike ride. I couldn't even tell he was back there. After a nice bike ride we had a picnic lunch and ran around outside just enjoying the sunshine. It was wonderful.

This weekend I'm very excited. Sunday I have the first of 4 Thirty-One parties I have this week. Hopefully they will all be very successful. I love getting out of the house and having fun with other adults and make money while doing it. That's something you kind of miss when you stay home with a toddler all day.

Also, Jon boy went to the urologist this morning and the Dr. told him that the stone that was bothering him is the only one in his kidneys and that he's pretty sure he passed it already. He has to go back and followup in 2 weeks to see if he did indeed pass it. Hopefully so because if it's still in there he may have to have surgery. So we're praying that little bugger is gone.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Colorful eggs and a kidney stone...

So Easter didn't quite work out like we wanted it to. Saturday was great. We dyed Easter eggs and had a nice dinner with mom. Well all of us except for poor Jonathan who got called out around 5 pm (Saturday) for a suicide and 2 dead guys later (suicide and a different homicide) he was able to come back home around 2:30 AM. Well about the time he got home he started getting this horrible horrible horrible pain in his lower left back that just wouldn't let up. He ended up waking me up at 3 AM and asking me to take him to the hospital. So after a quick call into Mom to come watch the baby, we were off. And one thing we realized is that 3:30 AM is the time to go to the ER. We got to Northpark and didn't wait 5 minutes before we were triaged and put back into a room, got pain medication (shot) within 15 minutes and saw the Dr. in 20. He went for a CT scan and evidentally has a 3-mm kidney stone that is attempting to make it's way out which is what is causing him so much pain. The doctor said he should pass it in the next 2 or 3 days but gave him some very good pain meds in the meantime. So needless to say, we didn't make it to church. But I let Jon sleep and Jacob and his cousins had a very fun easter egg hunt and I still go to eat my yummy ham. Then we came home from Mom's and I took a 3-1/2 nap while the baby napped. Jon is resting on the couch watching movies now and trying to convince me to go buy him some nasty skoal. I think that it's a great time to quit since he can't drive on the pain meds ;) LOL. I hope everyone else's Easter was happy and not as eventful as ours.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Who would have thought...

My child never ceases to amaze me. I figured something crazy would happen when you give an almost 2-year-old eggs and a bowl full of dye but sometimes I can't even make this stuff up. He first thought it was a good idea to put the eggs in but then he tasted the oh so disgusting vinegar/water dye and thought it was delicious. So then he proceeded to lick the little dipper thing, lick the eggs, his hands, anything he could get a hold of. He cracks me up so much. We had a great time at Ms. Wanda's house looking for easter eggs and having lunch. I think Jacob really enjoyed it. I hope the weather is prettier tomorrow for church and then another easter egg hunt and my beloved HB ham ;) I hope everyone's Easter is full of love and family and I will post more pictures after tomorrow. Happy Easter everyone :)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Getting Started

So I decided to start a blog to share our little adventures of life with anyone who would like to read about them. Today is Good Friday and we have a fairly busy weekend ahead of us. Jon, of course, has to work all weekend because alas, just because it's a holiday, crime doesn't stop. Tomorrow we are headed to Ms. Wanda's for lunch and dying easter eggs with Zachary. Then Jacob and I will come home for a nap and Jon boy will be off to work. Later in the afternoon Jacob B and I will go to mama's to dye more easter eggs with my sister and my sweet nephews. I'm not sure how this dying eggs thing will go. I have a feeling after one egg and/or hand stuck in the dye, my sweet angel of a child will chuck the eggs across the room at whatever he thinks would be the funniest. Then Sunday it's off to church at St. Peter's and then back to mom's for an easter egg hunt with Jen and the boys. I think the boys will have fun with this because Jen and I bought a bunch of eggs filled with fun stuff like candy and little balls and stuff. Then we get to eat Honey Baked ham which I think I'm most excited about. I love me some HB ham! Yum :) I am hopeful for a very nice weekend ahead of us. Right now I think I'm gonna go snuggle on the couch with my little peanut and watch the storm outside. I hope everyone has a happy, safe and blessed weekend. More to come later.

I want to leave you with a funny Easter conversation I had with my 8-year-old nephew, Fate, the other day.

Fate: Aunt Chelle, I know the Easter bunny isn't real.

Me: Oh really, why do you say that?

Fate: Because how can a bunny sell eggs?

Me: Well ya got a point. If there is not Easter Bunny, who brings your easter basket?

Fate: [Thinks for a while] I don't know. Must be magic :)

Just thought it was too cute not to share and I'm really not sure what part of Easter has a bunny SELLING eggs, but that's what you get from an 8-year-old. LOL.